Make Your Dream Come True Day is observed on January 13, 2020 and it is a special day for all those following a dream.

Today is the day to stop dreaming and start doing something to make your dream come true.

Not sure how to start?

Without a doubt, financial stress can hinder productivity and is the leading cause of anxiety among entrepreneurs. The inability to make profits and meet financial deadlines as well as secure constant cash flow, weighs heavily on the Entrepreneur’s mind. 

The month of January is National Financial Wellness Month! It’s perfect timing because Entrepreneurs and those desiring to start a business are preparing for tax season and making their New Year’s resolutions. It is the ideal time to start thinking about your money and exactly what you want your money to do for you.

We urge you this month, to think about your financial well-being and pay attention to your financial health, bearing in mind that your health is also your wealth.

Thriving as an Introvert in the Business World

Did you know that we celebrated World Introvert Day on Jan 2? Yes, introverts are a special breed indeed, that they get to celebrate their own day each year.

Introverts are faced with many challenges, one of which is being misunderstood as shy and anti-social. With its many challenges and drawbacks, being an introvert by no means, mean that you cannot succeed…especially in business. Some psychologists defines an introvert as “someone who has a preference for minimally stimulating environments.” Now that’s a super-duper definition that we’re ready to accept.

As we draw nearer to the end of the first day of 2020, sit in stillness and ponder on the days that lie ahead and all that you will accomplish as time passes.

Allow yourself to dream, then plan, and then execute.

Most importantly, allow yourself to live!

In the midst of whatever journey you embark upon this year, don’t forget to do the things you love.


Dear Entrepreneur, You’re A Bully And I Don’t Like You!

bully – seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable)”   Google dictionary

The month of October is dedicated to many things, including National Bullying Prevention Month. And, as we've just entered the month, we chose to highlight Entrepreneurs, not anyone in particular, but all Entrepreneurs.

A lot of Entrepreneurs are real big, bad bullies and this is evident in how they conduct their businesses.

Entrepreneurial bullying is much more prevalent than we’d like to admit. We hide the truth, and more often, when an attitude becomes so natural, it’s almost habit-forming, it can seem not only ‘normal’, but ‘right’.

Are you a bully business person?

Cherise Castle-Blugh is the author of The Timely Entrepreneur Series and the Director of Entrepreneur Services at The Timely Entrepreneur®. She has been working to grow the Trinidad and Tobago Entrepreneurial community, creating resources and events to support entrepreneurs.