In 2017, market challenges affected Foreign Exchange (FX) availability and caused our banks to set limits on foreign exchange transactions. Now once again, those same market conditions have deteriorated and we are back at it.

Identity Theft is REAL!

A hacker is raising money under the pretense of another person! Here is her REAL story to date (N.B. some personal details have been left out). 





All these and more not-so-new words have been added to our business dictionary. Every business now, no doubt, has had to take some unplanned action/s to ensure survival in the next coming months. Businesses that fail to take any action will indeed struggle to get ahead and will die eventually.

No doubt, you have invested much in your small business.

But do you honestly calculate what you have invested and matched it against the rewards you’ve received?

I know, the sirens are going off in your head. We are seeming to slowly come out of a bad year and you’re hoping for a breakthrough soon as sales have been terribly slow; for some, sales have even halted. No one's buying your products or services and your goods are just sitting around in boxes or on shelves alongside the other items that were supposed to bring in good money last year.


So, what's a storeowner to do when he / she feels down in a slump?

Cherise Castle-Blugh is the author of The Timely Entrepreneur Series and the Director of Entrepreneur Services at The Timely Entrepreneur®. She has been working to grow the Trinidad and Tobago Entrepreneurial community, creating resources and events to support entrepreneurs.