Over the next few weeks, gearing up to The Timely Entrepreneur’s Launch and Learn 2019 event on June 22, 2pm-6pm @ NALIS, (save the date- we want you there), a few key stakeholders will be looking at this Website thetimelyentrepreneur.com, and we’d like to feature YOU! in support of entrepreneurs and helping your business get seen by the right eyes. It is supposed to be an Ask Me Anything, (AMA), but for now, we will send you the list of questions and you can send in your responses along with a few nice pics of your products/services and an awesome pic of yourself for the feature.
You will have a couple of days in which to send in your responses and then you and your business will permanently remain on the website under a new Category, “Entrepreneur Highlights”.
The AMA will be shared and you will have access to the link to share on all your social media as well.
Sounds good? If you’re interested, just respond via email with the word “interested” and we will send the questions right away.
Because we are aware of the richness of each stakeholder present at the Launch and Learn Event, Entrepreneurs are invited to have a sample of their products displayed and marketing materials in the case of services. Entrepreneurs will engage in connections and conversations with our stakeholders.
At THE TIMELY ENTREPRENEUR’S BOOK LAUNCH & LEARN EVENT at NALIS, Port of Spain, in June 22, we have some key stakeholders in Business and Entrepreneurship Development making presentations and setting up to assist entrepreneurs on hand. As a means of promoting local entrepreneurship, creativity and local business, we will be presenting them with an “All things local” package.
If you are the creator of a product that you would like to ‘put out there’ in front of top influencers, please what’s app me @ 488-0507 as soon as possible. We will place your product/s in the packages we have prepared for them. Please be sure to include all your marketing materials so they identify your product with you when they show your product off.
This is an ideal opportunity to bring forward the talents/creativity that exist right here in Trinidad and Tobago. Perhaps this will encourage them to support you and Entrepreneurship, even more in our economy.
© 2025 The Timely Entrepreneur