Not everyone is going to like, or want, or even purchase what you’re offering, and that’s quite okay.
Don’t take it personally. (Taken from a past blog we wrote).
There is absolutely no way, everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to say. Not everyone you bounce ideas off will agree and support your decisions. However, as an Entrepreneur, you must know that it is OK!
We recently had a new Entrepreneur who was afraid to show her progress. It was almost like she was ashamed of stepping out for fear of what people would say. We didn’t get it. We didn’t understand why she didn’t want to be celebrated, why she bothered to care what someone would say. After all, she was successful in getting started and she started making money before even launching the business! That certainly was something to celebrate.
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Dear Entrepreneur, You’re A Bully And I Don’t Like You!
“bully – seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable)” Google dictionary
The month of October is dedicated to many things, including National Bullying Prevention Month. And, as we've just entered the month, we chose to highlight Entrepreneurs, not anyone in particular, but all Entrepreneurs.
A lot of Entrepreneurs are real big, bad bullies and this is evident in how they conduct their businesses.
Entrepreneurial bullying is much more prevalent than we’d like to admit. We hide the truth, and more often, when an attitude becomes so natural, it’s almost habit-forming, it can seem not only ‘normal’, but ‘right’.
Are you a bully business person?
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