Running a business is not for the faint-hearted! I’m sure you’ve heard that before. This Entrepreneurial journey is a long, tough, and sometimes lonely one. It can weigh heavy on your heart as a broken relationship.

And it’s okay to be emotional about your business too!

It can be daunting as an Entrepreneur when you start putting yourself 'out there' on the daily. You're pushed out of your comfort zone and into your greatest insecurities. You're dealing with resistance from friends and even family, and you may even find that pain from the past resurfaces. 

Take comfort in knowing that you are doing a really brave thing venturing into business, especially if you’re doing so alone; and reward yourself for taking such a giant leap of faith. When you start a business, you’re doing so much more than just that… you’re signing up to learn how to work through failure, how to deal with imperfections and how to handle and correct mistakes. And that, my dear Entrepreneur, is how you begin your growth as an individual and as an Entrepreneur. Soon, you’re going to be able to handle criticism and you’ll learn how be resilient and withstand adversity - even this pandemic!

As an Entrepreneur, it would be quite beneficial to know how to emotionally process or handle all that is going on in your business. 

It’s ok if things don't work out how you want them to. 

When it feels like your business idea has failed or your plan A or B didn’t work, this can really hurt. And it is okay to be upset and sad. Things in business fall apart all the time and you need to give yourself a moment to fall apart too. But fall gracefully - Get back up and start again. Allow yourself to feel all those feelings and let yourself just be.

The key is to let yourself feel all the emotions that present themselves ,give yourself just that moment...just don't stay there. 

Journalise to understand activities and their results.

A powerful tool to help work through all your business activities and their results is journalling. Write about what happened. Did something fail, or were your expectations not met? Write it out.

Then, examine any unfavourable results and take note of the activities that led to them. Writing it out will help you to not repeat the same action.

Accept the truth in every situation and learn from it.

Develop the ability in yourself to search for the truth in every situation that is happening in your business.

Your business idea got thrown off? It just wasn’t the right fit. It’s not a rejection of you.

A business friend ‘unfriended’ you? Your friendship was for a season. Accept that.

You have changed your business name three times? Your business is evolving and you are growing.

Many things will happen to make you question continuing your business. But if this is what you really want, you’ll want to develop ‘thick skin’ for handling adversity. You’ll want to learn to put on a brave face and fight to conquer it all. But you’ll also have to know when it’s time to ask for help! 

If you are struggling to keep your business afloat in this pandemic, reach out to us at The Timely Entrepreneur. Let’s bring you to a point of clarity and work with you so that you not only survive, but thrive, in this pandemic! Call us at 488-0507 or 760-6221 for an initial discovery session. 

My Mantra, Your Mantra~ Rejection is NOT final!

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Cherise Castle-Blugh is the author of The Timely Entrepreneur Series and the Director of Entrepreneur Services at The Timely Entrepreneur®. She has been working to grow the Trinidad and Tobago Entrepreneurial community, creating resources and events to support entrepreneurs.